River Flood Prevention

Most levees are built right next to the river in the alluvial plain to prevent flooding, but they are at risk of overtopping because of rising rivers during heavy rainfall or snowmelts that fill the floodplain, allowing strong currents to take everything that falls within its path. The Barrier Force™ flood control system will stay in place without moving or eroding, even withstanding the impact of floating debris.
Barrier Force barriers are a great way to enhance a levee. By adding our flood control system to the top of an existing levee, the levee height can be raised in the face of an unexpected event. They can also be used to create a temporary levee for emergencies where a levee is needed but a permanent levee is not desired.
Each cell of the Barrier Force™ river flooding prevention barrier is manufactured in a pentagon shape using a high-strength textile material, individually forming a continuous length of barrier that can be linked to another to form nearly any length. For installation, the bag segments unfold like an accordion and are mounted on a Man Portable Deployment Unit (MPDU) before being individually filled with dirt or other recommended material. As always, Barrier Force™ river flooding prevention systems are quick to deploy and set up.